Dietary fibres



All around the world, people are talking about using fiber in their diet and its benefits. Almost all nutritionists agree on the importance of dietary fibers. But what is fiber and Why is it so good for us?

What is fiber?

Dietary fiber is a term that is used for plant-based carbohydrates that, unlike other carbohydrates (such as sugars and starch), are not digested in the small intestine and so reaches the large intestine or colon. What most people don’t know, is that fibers have different types each of which have different results for our body.

How does fiber benefit health?

1- fibers can be a food source for the gut bacteria also called microbiome. Microbiome has important roles in our body including control of epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation, production of essential mucosal nutrients, such as short-chain fatty acids and amino acids and prevention of overgrowth of pathogenic organisms.

2- A high fiber diet may decrease total blood cholesterol.

3- Fiber can also helps prevent constipation.

4- It helps manage irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

5-  Also Protects against colon cancer and gallstones.

6- A high fiber diet may increase satiety and therefore assist with weight loss.

7- Fiber can helps come patients with diarrhea.

8- A high fiber diet is negatively associated to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).

Types of fiber

Fibers are divided into two groups, Soluble and Insoluble. It is important to remember that both types can be find in almost every fiber source foods. 

soluble fibers including Gums, mucilages, pectin, certain hemicelluloses  can be find in vegetables, fruits, barley; legumes, oats, and oat-bran. This type can help patients that suffer from non-infectious diarrhea and may decrease total blood cholesterol.

Insoluble fibers including cellulose and lignin which can be find in whole-wheat products, corn bran, and many vegetables (including cauliflower, green beans, potatoes, and skins of root vegetables). This type of fiber can promote more frequent bowel movements, and promote softer stools.

How much fiber each person should take every day?

It is recommended that adults have a daily fiber intake of 20 to 35 g from a variety of sources.

Krause’s Food & The Nutrition Care Process


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